Today, CMI’s propaganda outlet has awakened Ugandans with drums of war. This morning, I did not get time to read the news; one of my friends, who stay in Kampala, sent me these three apocalyptic articles. Is Rwanda planning invasion of western Uganda? Gen Muhoozi’s ‘Crush-to-dust’ Warning: Is UPDF Prepping for Combat Action? New Police recruits undergo intense military training.

As Rwandan, I understand how reading these articles while staying in Kampala is very scary.h2



But what hell is happening between our sister countries?

For those who are well informed; recently, a Rwandan National who is a member of RNC traveled to Uganda. Upon his arrival, CMI agents took him to an unknown location. Since then, his wife, Diana Rutabana, a French-Rwandan, urges the French Government to ask Uganda where her husband is. Eventually, CMI agents are the last people to have meet ben Rutabana. CMI propaganda arm believes that war stories can save time. But what scares me is that tomorrow, The Chimp Reports may report that Rutabana died during the battle in the DRC, or any place they imagine the war with their neighbor will take place.



The very existence of secret intelligence services presents a challenge to the principles of the rule of law. If a country works on the basis of the rule of law where every person has rights, how can a country accept a public-funded agency running around secret activities outside jurisdictional borders for the account of a terrorist group?

For a long time, the CMI has been ignoring its responsibility and the rule of law, even for some of Uganda’s noble public servants. No one can forget the photo of Kaweesi’s vehicle sprayed with a hail of bullets. I think that few people can forget the cold-blooded murder of Ibrahim Abiriga, the legislator of the municipality of Arua, in the north of Uganda, and most vocal supporters of the age limit amendments.

Every time when we talk to Ugandan, they say how horrified when they see CMI’s public hunting political opponents in the streets of Kampala; many families have lost a family member because of CMI’s extrajudicial execution. Not to mention, hundreds of Rwandans are dying into CMI’s numerous unlisted prisons – the so-called safe houses.

If the CMI has no regard for the rule of law mechanisms in its own country; if CMI can murder an assistant Inspector General of Police, a Member of Parliament; what would Rutabana’s family expected for a foreign citizen?

Out of favors of Kayumba                                

For those who know well Kayumba Nyamwasa. They can all testify how Kayumba is obsessed with Simon Bikindi. Kayumba thinks that songs are the best channel for hate propaganda. And this explains his relationship with Ben Rutabana and Callixte Nsabimana- his failed creation.

However, things started to get complicated for Ben Rutabana when his nephew, Diana Rwigara, started a so-called political movement; that time, Kayumba gave a mission to RNC’s head of capacity building to recruit Diana Rwigara. In his strategy, Kayumba though that it was strategically to have Diana’s so-called movement under his terrorist group, he considered Diana as an opportunity inside Rwanda. Unfortunately, Ben Rutabana was not willing to sacrifice his nephew. As days went on, Kayumba got angry with Ben Rutabana; he did not understand how Rutabana failed to recruit his nephew.

However, friends of Rutabana told me that Rutabana was terrified with how Kayumba assassinated Karegeya and feared to recruit his nephew into Kayumba’s killing gang.  Things got worse after Ben Rutabana contested against Kayumba’s strategy in DRC and his partnership with FDLR.

How a rogue operation unfolded?

Stranger things always start the same way; when Ben Rutabana was asked to report himself in Uganda; not in South Africa, Diana Rutabana tried to convince him not to travel in Uganda, but Ben Rutabana refused to listen to her.

Normally, if Kayumba wants to meet with Ben Rutabana should have traveled to South Africa. However, when he arrived in Uganda, Kayumba informed Rutabana that he will not travel to Uganda for security reasons. Instead, Rutabana was asked to report himself to CMI chief, Brigadier General Abel Kandiho. Diana Rutabana said that he talked to his husband after arriving in Kampala, and Rutabana was sounding very strange, he even told her about the changed plans, something he was not used. In fact, this was the first time; Rutabana was talking about his RNC activities. On the second day, Rutabana was scheduled to meet with Brig. General Kandiho. Unfortunately, one hour before meeting at the Emin Pasha Hotel, no far from the Independence Monument. Rutabana was contacted by his focal person; he told him that the meeting was canceled because Brig- General Kandiho was asked to consult President Museveni before meeting with Rutabana. The next day, CMI agents landed in his room and took Rutabana to an unknown place.


What Rutabana’s family should ask RNC; why Rutabana was asked to report himself in Uganda? What Rutabana’s family should ask the government of Uganda; why Rutabana was going to meet with CMI, where is Rutabana, why the Police have not yet opened an investigation?

Some of those questions should have been asked when Kaweesi, honorable Abariga was cold-blooded murdered. Unfortunately, CMI is an out of law killing machine for the sake of Museveni’s personal interests; in fact, CMI’s prime mission is to eliminate Museveni’s opponents, terrorize the opposition, and to destabilize the region.

What is even stranger is that Museveni and CMI are working with RNC and the FDLR. Every Ugandan wonders why. As Museveni’s paranoia grows, Museveni believes the use of the terrorist and genocidal group to destabilize the region will help him stand as a guarantee of peace for Ugandans in a destabilized region in the upcoming elections. In this case, I think there is a messy somewhere in CMI’s safe house, and whatever the government of Uganda is going to say, unless it fixes Museveni-Kayumba-Kandiho gang operating outside jurisdictional borders, many people will continue to die or lost in nature, and no one will dare to investigate.


In 2014, when Kayumba cold-blooded murdered Patrick Karegeya; everyone inside and outside RNC was shocked. The death of Karegeya has been like a wake-up call, and some people who have been working with Kayumba knew well how worse things were going to be in the upcoming years. This has caused the departure of Rudasingwa and Gahima scared of the beast they have helped to create.


In the meantime, Kayumba was reconstructing his communication team; that is how Rugema Kayumba, Kayumba’s nephew, was recruited. Mainly, Kayumba was seeking to have people who will follow blindly his orders. Apart from that, RNC has created several social media troll accounts including RPF Gakwerere to spread hate, lies, and Kayumba’s praises.


When a man becomes the center of a collective organization, even a terrorist group like RNC; each and everything falls apart at the highest rate. Take a look at all the last terrorist adventures of Kayumba’s gang since it is no longer a political organization; every adventure has been a total fail, the partnership with FDLR has been a dishonor for every member of RNC, FLN has failed completely in less time than any rebellion in the history of the world.

However, the big failures are to come, recently Kayumba asked Ben Rutabana to report himself to Uganda’s Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence, unfortunately, since Rutabana arrived in Kampala; no one knows his whereabouts. Do not ask me why the RPF Gakwerere did not say anything about it. What I’m sure of is that if Kayumba wanted to kill Rutabana, RPF Gakwerere could not contradict his boss.


What people are asking; if RPF Gakwerere cannot help to explain where is the Head of RNC capacity building, who can believe what he is saying about Rwanda, the President of the Republic, President’s senior advisor, and other nonsense posts? If RPF Gakwerere has become a mouthpiece of Kayumba, someone who has failed in everything in the last nine years; who still needs to read his bullshits?

RNC was founded on lies, hate, crimes; it is an organized crime syndicate that is doomed to self-destroy. It is time for RPF Gakwerere, Rugema, and other members to realize that their terrorist ship is sinking and leave it on time. And if anyone still doubts about Kayumba’s thirsty for blood, ask Diana Rutabana.